Carbon Conscious Clothing is committed to producing carbon neutral/negative garments and having a positive impact on the environment and wider social sphere. Everything we do is scrutinized to ensure it has the least environmental impact, and if possible, the maximum environmental and social help. We’ve joined the TechZero taskforce, bringing together innovative tech companies to fight the climate crisis, accelerate progress to net zero and help consumers make greener choices. Our published GHG emission figure is: Carbon Conscious Clothing, carbon footprint.
Net zero is a state where the overall greenhouse gas emissions going into the atmosphere are balanced with the amount
of greenhouse gases being removed, resulting in no net impact on the climate. For businesses, this means reducing your
greenhouse gas emissions as far as possible, and compensating for any remaining hard-to-decarbonise emissions using certified long-term carbon removals.

Carbon Conscious Clothing is committed to reducing carbon emissions. For one year now we have been a member of Ecologi. Each month we continue to help towards the overall targets Ecologi has set out. Like everything we are not perfect, but we are working hard to improve and make a better future. We believe that if people work together, they can do amazing things. That’s the spirit of collective action in a nutshell, and we see it happening every day.
Ecologi is a platform for real climate action. We facilitate the funding of carbon offset projects and tree planting around the world. Our mission is to reduce 50% of global CO2 emissions by 2040 and responsibly plant billions of trees every year. To do this we call on individuals & businesses to take personal responsibility and help tackle the biggest threat of our generation. Collectively, with a little input from a lot of people, we have the power to secure our future.

Carbon Conscious Clothing has used GOTS certified organic cotton in this first collection. Sourced responsible and in conjunction with an excellent Fabric mill in Sri Lanka who meet the not only the stringent requirements for the cotton farming, but also, the cloth production in the mill. This means ethical working conditions and practices.
Our vision is that organic textiles will become a significant part of everyday life, enhancing people’s lives and the environment. Organic production is based on a system of farming that maintains and replenishes soil fertility without the use of toxic, persistent pesticides, or synthetic fertilizers. In addition, it includes welfare standards for animal husbandry and prohibits genetically modified organisms.
Since this first production we have now passed the garment factory for GOTS certification – so going forward all our garments will carry the GOTS label giving a further element of traceability.
Certificate No: CU815469GOTS-2023-00102178

We are officially a Climate Action Workforce, meaning our carbon footprint of each employee is more than offset. Ecologi will invest our money into projects that remove more greenhouse gasses than our own carbon footprints put in. Each month Ecologi support a range of carbon reduction projects that are certified at the very highest level by Gold Standard and equivalent.

There’s life in those cottons long after you’re done with them. Once you’ve outlived or outloved your cottons, you can extend their life and divert them from the landfill.
Once it’s worn out, you can continue its purpose by recycling it. We collect your old cottons to divert them from landfill, to recycle your clothes through the Cotton Lives On™ recycling programme, they need to be made of 85% cotton. Just check the label to find out.
We will organise to make your old cotton into the interior of a roll mat. On top of that, we’re working to provide roll mats to the community by giving them to organisations in need.
For all Carbon Conscious Clothing returned after it has been loved, we will check it over and give you store credit to use – you get to know your original purchase continues to keep doing more in the community – Cotton Lives on!

Carbon Conscious Clothing is a ETHY brand – ETHY  offers a roadmap with transparent, actionable steps to empower brands and consumers to act for a more sustainable future. The standards exemplify brands’ valuable contributions to the United Nations Global Goals while addressing today’s pressing challenges concerning people, environment, and animals.